Friday, April 4, 2008

Lesson Eight: First Verbs And Prepositions

SER = TO BE (for things that don't change) Yo soy = I am ESTAR = TO BE (for


that change) Yo estoy = I am TENER = TO HAVE (only for

posession) Yo tengo = I have HABER = TO HAVE (as an auxiliary I

have gone) Yo he = I have COMER = TO EAT

Yo como = I eat BEBER = TO DRINK Yo bebo = I drink

QUERER = TO WANT Yo quiero = I want GUSTAR = TO LIKE (it's

reflexive "It's liked by me") Me gusta = I like PODER = TO CAN/ TO BE

ABLE Yo puedo = I can CREER = TO BELIEVE/ TO THINK (in opinions) Yo creo = I


DORMIR = TO SLEEP Yo duermo = I sleep

NADAR = TO SWIM Yo nado = I swim

VIVIR = TO LIVE Yo vivo = I live.

The verbs in Spanish have 3 posible endings, AR ER IR, if they are regulars they will

follow the same conjugation depending of the ending.


A = to CONTRA = against DEBAJO = Under DE = of / from CON = With

DESDE = from EN = in ENTRE = between HACIA = towards HASTA =

until/till PARA = for POR = by SEGúN = according to SIN = without

SOBRE = over/about

The infinitive of the verbs we can use with these expressions we know: Me gusta (I like)

Quiero (I want) Tengo (I have) Debo (I must) Me gusta comer = I like to eat

Quiero beber = I want to drink Debo dormir = I must sleep Tengo que nadar = I have to


In this phrase the word QUE is translated like THAT

We can also put the prepositions making already long phrases: Me gusta ir a la playa

desde mi

casa para nadar = I like to go to the beach from my house to swim. Quiero comer en

una mesa

grande y estar con mis amigos = I want to eat in a big table and be with my friends

Tengo que

vivir en España y creo que el país me gusta = I have to live in Spain and I think I like

the country. Segun mi amigo, en mi casa no tengo puertas bonitas = According to my

friend in my house I don't have beautiful doors. Estoy contento por el nuevo trabajo

de Javier, Javier es muy simpatico = I am happy for the new job of Javier, Javier is

very nice.

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